Archive for April, 2013

Too Old to Rock’n’Roll, too Young to Make a Will?

NOTE: The following article is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor am I in a position to give same. It is nothing but a summary of my observations and is merely an expression of my opinion, in my personal capacity. Specific reference to statutes and case law has been purposely omitted. Should you need help with drafting your will and a layout of your options, please seek professional legal advice.

When we turn 18, the last thing on our minds is where our – usually non-existent – property would go when we leave this vain world. As we grow up, responsibilities multiply and so do we, but that 18 year-old somehow still manages to speak the words in our head: ‘I’ll make a will when I’m old, because that’s what old people do’.

That might have been the case twenty, maybe even ten years ago, but technology has progressed to a point that I am afraid this is not where things stand anymore. Read the rest of this entry »

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